Apuolė mound


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Pride of Skuodas district – Apuolė – is a settlement on the teritorry of today‘s Republic of Lithuania mentioned in written sources earlier, The Rimbert chronicle “Life of St. Ansarg“ states that Apuolė belonged to the Swedes, but residents get rid of them. Taking advatage of his the Danes attacked Apuolė but were defeated.  In 853-845 Swedish King Olaf with a large army attacked Curonian town called Apulia protected by 15,000 soliders from 5 regions; on the 9th day of the siege the negotiations began. Residents of Apuolė paid ransom by silver, gave hostages and recognized the authority of the Swedes. The finds, discovered during the  archaeological excavations in Apuole in the 20th century, are preserved in the museums of Kaunas, Stockholm and Vilnius.

Today Apuolė is a reserve in which picturesque landscape of the river of Luoba, the mound, the village of those times and the remains of a burial ground  are located. Every year in the mont of August festival of ancient warfare and crafts “Apuolė 854“ is organized. The mound of Apuolė is declared as archaeological object.
You can find the virtual tour: here


Public Institution Skuodas Information Center